Our Favourite Social Media Campaigns
Name: Lisa
Role: Senior Account Manager at Tangerine and Tutor at The Juice Academy
Favourite Campaign: #SkyBluePink
3,500 strangers helped comfort a dying man with sunsets around the world http://ow.ly/FpVcu
Why do you love it? Because it makes me feel warm inside! The situation is so sad but the result of #SkyBluePink is emotional and moving. Social media gets a bad reputation due to trolls that can lurk online but this shows the good that can come from social media too.
Name: Lucy
Role: Senior Project Co-ordinator
Favourite Campaign: #FollowTheFairies
The Two Fairies flew across the nation granting wishes submitted via social media. They sent fruit parcels to patients in hospital, filled the playground of primary school with snow and provided revising students with Lucozade. As everyone was wondering who was behind the stunt, Marks and Spencer revealed itself as the retailer behind the kindness in its Christmas advert: http://ow.ly/Fq6UG
What do you like about it? This is such a sweet campaign to launch over Christmas. I love all of the little clues and details. The clever seeding caught the attention of both local and regional press resulting in masses of media attention. At The Juice Academy we encourage our Apprentices to create content that is engaging, interactive and creative. I think that this ticks all the boxes. It certainly got everyone tweeting!
Name: Becci
Role: Junior Designer at Tangerine and Tutor at The Juice Academy
Favourite Campaign: #GoodHappens
Burt’s Bees turned Pinterest boards of paradise into reality for competition winners http://ow.ly/FpUty
What is so special about it? I heart this so much. It is a fun and creative campaign that engaged with customers and actually did something nice for people. When people create Pinterest boards they dream of actually visiting that desert island, eating that delicious looking food and hearing that jazz band playing on the beach. Burt’s Bees gave them a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do just that!
Name: Bryony
Role: Account Executive at Tangerine and Tutor at The Juice Academy
Favourite Campaign: #AlexFromTarget
Photos of Target’s handsome checkout boy Alex went global and his profile gained 751k Twitter followers (similar appeal to Harry Styles). The seeding turned out to be manufactured by a marketing agency http://ow.ly/FpUjn
What makes this so special? This whole phenomena started off seeming like it was an innocent teenager who tweeted about a guy that she liked the look of at the supermarket and then loads of fan girls just went wild for #AlexFromTarget. I think it is a really clever campaign as it appeared so organic but the success of the hashtag was actually due to clever seeding from a marketing agency. (so the whole premise of it was fake, but he’s still real!)