The Juice Academy - Looking for the Best

Spreading the word about The Juice Academy means going out and about, heading to colleges and secondary schools and speaking to the young people themselves.
I was at a careers fair this month and engaged in many conversations with many young scholars about their future prospects and aspirations. Most conversations are led by the parents, the students listening coyly to the information we’re sharing. It’s expected at that age and these events can be extremely daunting and a little unsettling – they are making a decision that will affect the rest of their lives.
After a number of conversations with students, a girl approached The Juice Academy stand and expressed her desire to pursue a career in Public Relations and Social Media. She was 16 and by far the most energetic, enthusiastic and inspiring student I’d met that afternoon.
Her mother stood by as the young girl led the conversation, asked about the course and talked longingly about her future. She was great: well spoken, polite and intelligent - this girl was perfect for us. We exchanged contact details and invited her to apply for The Juice Academy apprenticeship. We’re confident we’ve found yet another bright, young thing in the city.
That’s why we spend the time going out into the schools and speaking to the students. We want to find the very best the North West has to offer – and we will. The Juice Academy apprenticeship programme aims to turn the most creative rough diamonds in the North West into young, sophisticated marketing professionals and that’s why over 30 North West businesses have already signed up to take on an apprentice.
And how do we prove we trust our own talents? Well, we’ve taken an apprentice from every cohort so far and we’re about to take another two this January. We’re not the only company to employ more than one apprentice either, such is the quality of the talent on offer – it’s hard to say no to such promising individuals.