Welcome Cohort 33

October for The Juice Academy means kick-starting our Autumn Cohort! After a record-breaking number of applications, rigorous assessments and interviews, we formed our latest Cohort of ambitious apprentices. Made up of 16 bright apprentices, we welcome Cohort 33. Our last Cohort of 2021 have now settled in nicely into their workplaces and are already making a fantastic start to their apprenticeship journeys. Meet them below, find out a bit more about them and where they have landed a job!
Jack Posnett

Describe yourself in a tweet
Creator and storyteller striving to do what I love and love what I do. Easily inspired (and easily amused). I like to think I have a healthy balance of taking things seriously and injecting a dose of fun into my work.
Joseph Ferris

If I was an emoji I would be 🚀 because I am set on a journey to reach my goal and no matter how hard it gets I’ll try my hardest to get to the place I want to be, no matter how far away it is.
Ellie Higson

Describe yourself in a Tweet
Hi, my names Ellie if I was to describe myself with 3 words it would be easy going, loving and helpful. I am also eager to do well in life.
Darcy Fawcett

What emoji best describes you?
"Excited Emoji 😆"
This was an easy choice for me. I get very excited and enthusiastic about a new challenge. My energy drives me to try my best at everything I do. When I have setbacks, I quickly bounce back. I'm really, really excited about my new adventure in choosing a different career path, which will enable me to follow my dreams.
Krishen Singh

Describe yourself in a Tweet
A human machine who only functions on hard work, curiosity, respect…and the odd biscuits with tea! #learning #livelovelaugh #teaandbiscuitlovers
Eve Gokcen

What emoji best describes you?
The emoji that best describes me is the little green sprout/seedling. As a recent graduate, I’m now embarking on my professional career, emulated by the seed that’s just sprouted out of the ground. I’m 21 years old and have a lot more life to live and experience to gain, just as a small plant does whilst growing into its own.
I'm ready to blossom and now is my time.
Cora Gribbin

Describe yourself in a Tweet
A Netflix bingeing, ambitious blue-haired book-worm with a passion for live music and gigging in the heart of Manchester. I spend too much time on my phone and order takeaway more than I should, love all things dog related and cry at movies far too often. Some might say ''impatient'', but I prefer "eager to succeed".
Clare Townley

What emoji best describes you?
🧙♀️ 🧹
The rationale behind identifying with the witch is that they are knowledgeable and competent within their field of expertise. When they experience any doubt, they thoroughly research their source material before going ahead and casting a new spell. They also adore learning new information and spend much of their free time curating an extensive potion larder. 'Eye of newt' is harder to come by than you might imagine! While I personally prefer stockpiling courgettes and butter in my fridge, I do feel an affinity with how the witch works to her strengths and finds solutions to her weaknesses.
She also looks so happy in the picture; her ensemble is carefully put together, so she represents everything witches are supposed to but isn’t scary or mean.
Oskar Moss

Describe yourself in a Tweet
"A little bit eccentric, a lot bit creative, Oskar Moss is a motivated individual with a flair for client satisfaction. He dedicates himself to a job well done every time, finds great joy in learning, and is ready to take the next steps in furthering his career." - Oskar Moss, 'I'm Not a Narcissist, I Swear', - 2021
Elliot Fernihough
Describe yourself in a Tweet
I'm a hobby artist from Stoke with an interest in music, digital illustration, animation, and video production, and I love to tackle creative challenges.
Emily Brock

What emoji best describes you?
The emoji that best describes my personality is the smiley face with stars as eyes 🤩 because I am a passionate and enthusiastic individual. The emoji also has a massive smile, I am always happy, smiling and friendly. The stars in the eyes represent my motivation to reach my full potential and my excitement for what the future holds.
Taylor Morris

Describe yourself in a Tweet
Professional, determined individual. Who is open and quick to learn new skills to add to the many I already have. Always on time as well. That's it. That's the tweet.
Karl Evans

What emoji best describes you?
I would definitely say the crying laughing emoji 😂 As well as it being my most used emoji myself, that's what I want to feel like all the time and make people like when I speak to them. I want people to tell me their true feelings so I can help them as much as possible and possibly make them smile and laugh along the way.
Aaron Johnson

Describe yourself in a Tweet
To describe myself in a tweet I'd say I'm someone who is always willing to give one hundred percent in anything I do, even if the task is hard, I won't give up and willing to find a solution so I feel this would be a really important skill to have.
Freya Fawcett

Describe yourself in a Tweet
Like a Jack-in-a-box, I seem shy at first; then I 'POP' like dynamite, sending out ideas, creativity, and determination.
Tehya Bruce-Allen

What emoji best describes you?
I chose the jigsaw puzzle piece as it describes how I love to problem solve and will happily work in a team of other people to try and find a solution- as well as alone! In my opinion, to have a personality like a jigsaw puzzle piece, it means I like the challenge of trying something new as well as being very creative and good at spotting errors. Jigsaw pieces can be well rounded also- quite like me! I would also consider myself someone who enjoys either blending in and standing out from the crowd too!
It was great to meet Cohort 33 in the academy for their celebration day and we can’t wait to see them progress throughout their apprenticeship!