The Juice Academy Launches Its Graduate Programme

Since its creation three years ago, The Juice Academy’s Social Media apprenticeship programme has created over 160 quality jobs for young people in the digital skills sector throughout the North West.
Our apprenticeship has always received high interest from graduates and due to government funding, we’ve been unable to offer them a place on our programme.
Keen to improve the digital skills gap in the North West, last November, The Juice Academy secured funding from Creative Skillset to pilot our first ever graduate version of our multi award-winning Social Media apprenticeship. The programme was an outstanding success, creating 19 roles in businesses in the North West (leading businesses such as BJL, Manchester Science Partnerships and Smoking Gun PR).
Passionate about creating dynamic digital jobs for young people, we’re now excited to launch the graduate programme, actual, which will run for six months starting this November. Employers will pay a maximum of £10,000 to take part in the programme.
The cost is broken down as minimum wage for the graduate salary and training fee to The Juice Academy. Training sessions will be conducted bi-weekly and delivered by in-house practising digital professionals, as well as external guest speakers.Our aim is to give graduates the knowledge and practical experience needed in just six months in order to step onto the career ladder and secure themselves a permanent position.
Employers and successful graduates will attend a full Boot Camp interview day where graduates will complete a number of activities, showing off their personality and creativity. The day will conclude with a discussion between employers, selecting a graduate from the pool to join their team.
We’re now signing up employers to the graduate programme, so if your business is in need of a digital makeover, or perhaps you’re team is expanding, get in touch with or call 0161 817 6600.
Alternatively, if you’re a graduate looking to make the move into your digital career, apply for our course here.