Get to know Cohort 24

We are super excited to welcome you to our 24th Cohort! Our April Boot Camp was very successful with a turnout of 33 candidates. The room of Instagram addicts and tweetaholics impressed North West employers including Inflata Nation, Invasion, Supareal, Powah and EverSmart Energy!
After a busy and exciting day, we created 13 jobs. Just another step forward to filling the digital skills gap!
We would like to welcome you to our 24th Cohort!
Callum Blythe – Invasion

Describe yourself in a tweet…
Been at the gym for 30 minutes and still can't get my favourite machine to work. The vending...
Niamh Allsopp – Supareal

Describe yourself with an emoji…
🤗 I would say that the Happy Face with hugging hands describes me best as I am a very open and caring person who likes to help as much as I can where possible. I sometimes use it as a jazz hands emoji to indicate excitement and enthusiasm towards topics of text or even a sense of accomplishment along with a thumbs up emoji. I am passionate about my work and I love what I do, I have a steady source of motivation that innovates me to do my best. In my A Levels, this passion led me to challenge myself daily and learn new skills and techniques that helped me to create better pieces of work.
Tayjon Facey – OneVoice Digital

Describe yourself in a tweet…
Social media; bringing my two passions together: technology and connecting people
Harrison Edwards – Powah

Describe yourself with an emoji…
🕷 😂 The emoji that I tend to use the most is the little Spider. There is no specific reason behind this other than I think it looks cool. However, if I had to use an emoji to describe myself it would have to be the crying laughing one simply because I am very easy to make laugh.
Millie Harropp – WhiteNoise Digital

Describe yourself in a tweet…
This lanky old snowflake needs a career. Please help me live my best life.
Kimberley Rostron – Inflata Nation

Describe yourself with an emoji…
😁 An emoji that describes me would simply be a smiley face. I believe I am a positive, energetic person and I enjoy the little things in life. Dedicated to creating and passionate about people and live for the world.
Josie Moran – Invasion

Describe yourself in a tweet…
Other players put water in their bottles for Ice Hockey matches. I put slush puppies in mine 🤷🏻♀️I blame #T1Diabetes for it
Charlotte Whelan – Jam Recruitment

Describe yourself with an emoji…
😍 I think that the smiley face emoji with the hearts best describes me as I always have a smile on my face, I am approachable and the hearts represent my loving nature, friendliness and constant cheerfulness.
Junior Ndhuvlo – UA92

Describe yourself in a tweet…
No one:
Me: Work Hard, Work Hard, Work Hard, Work Hard, Work Hard, Party Hard.
Connor James – EverSmart Energy

Describe yourself with an emoji…
🤩 The starstruck eyes is my all time favourite emoji! It describes me the best as I am an optimistic and motivated person, who dreams big.
William Pepperell - Real Estate Group

Describe yourself with in tweet...
I am working hard now to enjoy my 30s
Kate Miller - G2F Media

Describe yourself with an emoji...
❤️ This is the best emoji that describes me because my favourite colour is red and I am a caring person.
Olivia Nixon - Jam Recruitment

Describe yourself in a tweet...
I'm a small blonde with blue eyes #basic, but i'm more than that i'm a sister, a daughter and a friend who's keen, confident and a quick learner. I'm #determined.