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good kid, m.A.A.d city (Deluxe)

I thought I’d start my blog with an album name, as I’m never going to make one and it sounded more interesting.

I’m Mia, I have an ASOS addiction and I change my hairstyle and colour more times than a figurine from play-doh crazy cuts (the images are a snippet of my dodgy dos). I’m 20 and currently 5 months into doing an apprenticeship. For some, this seems bizarre to some people (being an apprentice not my hair choices) and I’ll never understand why. I applied for an apprenticeship when I was just shy of 20 and I can easily say it’s one of the best, if not the best opportunity I have had in my life so far.

Social Media Apprentice from Manchester | The Juice Academy

There’s a stigma amongst people over 20 that they can’t do an apprenticeship and that it’s only for college/ sixth form leavers, that they’re ‘too old’, this couldn’t be further from the truth, you can do an apprenticeship up until the age of 23. You’re growing up, most of us have no responsibilities, the world is your oyster, plus £1000 a month will get you pretty far at this point when all you want to do (I know I do), is go out Tuesday - Friday and most probably Saturday and Sunday. Let’s be realistic though, it’s not a fab or sustainable lifestyle to have when you’re hitting your mid to late twenties is it?

They say that your choices in life are your own and create your own luck, so why waste your life in a job you aren't happy in for the sake of SHORT term money and dilute the experience you have. I can say and sympathise with all of the above as this was my situation and my outlook before I got my placement. Working in a bar, getting paid weekly, Tuesday become the new Friday, Mondays were an extension of my weekend. However, as time passed, I was spending my days off sleeping and going out every opportunity I had, ’I was like a loon on loon tablets’ - Angus, Thongs and perfect snogging, 2008. Wise words Georgia, wise words.

On a serious note, don’t stop yourself applying for an apprenticeship just because you feel like you’re too old. Being on an apprenticeship wage for 1 year of your life is most definitely worth it in the long term, in some instances, you can surpass those who spent 4 years studying in the same field at University. You can exceed your own expectations and network with a variety of people in different industries you wouldn’t necessarily get the opportunity to, so you will never be limited to one field. For years, I was unsure on my path, I didn’t enjoy being in education, from school to college, so university for me would have been a waste of time, not to mention a waste of A LOT of money. Without my apprenticeship, I really don’t know what I would’ve ended up doing. The important thing is to find somewhere that will support you throughout the process whilst you grow together.

The Juice Academy really can help you kick off your exciting, new career that is forever evolving and getting savvier and savvier by the day. YOU could be the one to create worldwide, legendary marketing campaigns, YOU could be the person that surprises everybody, even yourself as you’ve become a successful marketer on a very happy salary, a salary that can afford the finer things, and who doesn't want the finer things? Do not waste an opportunity because of your age and feel like you’re stuck, because 9 times out of 10 the only person holding you back is yourself. Want to follow in Mia's shoes? You can also apply to become a social media apprentice!


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