VIP Guest in The Juice Academy
The Juice Academy played host to a ‘Very Important Person’ during yesterday’s workshop.
Steve Kuncewicz, head of IP (intellectual property), media and social media at Bermans has an array of different skills including a specialism in social media and incredible writing skills having written three books. To top this off, he is also the lawyer with the highest following on Twitter (somewhat of a celebrity!).
The workshop started with apprentices being shown a presentation from Tangerine’s founder and Group MD, Sandy Lindsay, on ethics, which led nicely into a group task.
The apprentices were split up into four groups and each had to create their own agency, which was given a list of scenarios. The agencies had to decide which way would be best to deal with the scenarios and present their ideas back to the group and a panel of experts.
While already achieving a list of many different things, Steve can now add ‘guest judge on the panel’ at The Juice Academy after playing a part in choosing the winner of the task (well done to the winning team).
Steve, the Honorary solicitor of the MPA (Manchester Publicity Association), then went on to give his own presentation, starting with what should be taken into consideration in the world of social media, giving apprentices key points from the CIPR (Chartered Institute of Public Relations) and the PRCA (Public Relations Consultants Association) codes of conduct.
These made clear that businesses using social media should be made accountable for their actions and should not engage in any activity that may damage the reputation of the company or clients they may be representing.
This led on to platform terms of use, which means when a person or business signs up to a social network and agrees to the terms and conditions, they are agreeing to all the rules of that particular network.
The presentation also went through legal issues that may arise and what the outcomes may be, whether they’re legal consequences or, arguably just as important, the company’s reputation being tarnished and negative publicity generated.
In summary there are four key points that were taken from the presentation; social media is a good thing and a valuable tool, don’t say anything you wouldn’t say offline, guidelines and codes of practice are key, and the law applies to businesses as much as it does the public.
Steve’s presentation was very interesting, and on behalf of all the apprentices and The Juice Academy, thank you!
By Rebecca Parker, B2B Apprentice at Tangerine PR