A Shakespearean sonnet for social

For a long time, poetry was probably the biggest part of my life, much to the distaste and entertainment of a lot of people in my school year.
It didn't bother me in the slightest that I was often labelled and categorised for this, as it was something that I enjoyed doing and I had the ability to use words poetically in a pretty effective way.
However, in the last couple of years, I've been focusing almost exclusively on writing songs, which, although similar, is a different ball game for several reasons.
That said, inspired by Tangerine PR MD Sandy Lindsay's fantastic "Ode to the Twitter" and in honour of Shakespeare's recent birthday, I decided the time was ripe to try my hand once more at some good old fashioned poetry, namely a sonnet in the style of the Bard himself.
As Fickle as a Facebook Friend
Ah! Social media, thou art fickle.
With deceptive powers to break and mend.
If thou art known not, 'twill cause a pickle,
For thou art enemy as quick as friend.
In thy brief but explosive existence,
Thou hast proven thy menacing powers.
It takes patience, guile; willful persistence -All to be taught at Tangerine Towers.
Stay your wrath!
For we look not to subdue,
But to unleash your hidden potential.
Alliances be forged 'twixt us and you:In our future, it becomes essential.
So let us embrace, our volatile friend!
For our paths be entwined now, 'til the end.
I have to admit, I had a huge amount of fun writing this, and it makes me want to get back into it. Safe to say I've been re-bitten by the poetry bug!
By Craig Butler