Top 3 Lessons Learnt

Three weeks into my apprenticeship, I was given the opportunity to attend the world’s largest tourism trade fair in Germany. It was an amazing experience, meeting interesting people with diverse backgrounds. On the flip side, it was both overwhelming and intimidating.
Whilst attending, I was met with the same greetings when making introductions: ‘You’re so young, what are you doing here’ or ‘I have children your age’ (I was 18 at the time).
Of course, you do that awkward laugh and then move on but there are times when I felt out of place joining the industry as an apprentice. So, in an attempt to help some of you who may be feeling the same way, I am going to share some lessons I have learned so far that have helped me build confidence in my position as a young professional.
Imagine, you have been asked to go to an event on your own to represent your company. First, get over the initial panic. Then, remember that the person who appointed you to this task would only have done so if they were confident that you could do it. Ask yourself: Why would my manager invest time and money in me if they didn’t believe I could do it?
The answer: They wouldn’t. They believe in you! So, have the courage to believe in yourself.
Lesson learnt: You wouldn’t be given the responsibility if you weren’t believed to be capable.
I find it difficult not to fall into the trap of comparing myself to others: ‘They know more’, ‘They’re more experienced’ etc…
Like all Juice apprentices, I attended the boot camp recruitment day. Unbelievably nervous, I listened to all the fantastic candidates talk about their massive followings and wealth of experience which left me wondering whether I was in the right place.
Looking back, that comparison did me no favours, it only fed my nerves and made me doubt my own achievements.
Lesson learnt: Everyone is better at something.
Somebody may be more proficient in a software or sector but we all have strengths. What’s important as an apprentice is finding your strengths and playing to them while also being open to developing your skills that aren’t as strong.
One of the major positives of joining the workforce in an apprentice position is that you will meet people from all experience and knowledge levels. I have found that people are eager to help in any way they can, whether it be with advice or encouragement. So, make the most of your network. Harness the knowledge of people around you to aid your development. Most importantly, ask questions - there are no downsides to being curious and interested.
Lesson learnt: Be open to connecting with others, you never know what opportunities will appear.
Exuding confidence does not come naturally to everyone - it certainly doesn’t for me but endless doors will open if you have the courage to take that first step and put yourself out there.
Liv Greaves, Cohort 38, Content Creator apprentice at Mark Bratt Travel